hosted by The Goodnight Kiss

I miss my 80's

( 2001-12-02 )( 1:46 p.m. )

Tralalala, lalalala, tralalalalalala. Sorry got remincient of the old cartoons I used to watch late at night on Cartoon Network. That was the theme song from "The Banana Splits" show. It was some cartoon/live action show were people dressed up in funky costumes and glided around on rollerskates. They used to air the "Three Stooges" cartoon. Remember the live action/costumed versions of Dumbo Circus and Winnie the Pooh. Now all they got is the Book of Pooh. They took off the Muppet Show and all the other greats.

Then came He-man and She-ra, Gi-Joes, Care Bears, The Smurfs, M.A.S.K, Transformers,and now the have nothing good out anymore but a couple cartoons worth watching. What has this world come to?


(new)(old)(g-book) (host) (design)