hosted by The Goodnight Kiss

Holiday Blues

( 2001-12-02 )( 2:01 p.m. )

I crashed at Don's last night. It's abt 2:00 in the afternoon and the only movement in the house is me and his dog,Sasha. I'm bored out of my mind and wonder what every one else is up to. I've been online now for abt 30 minutes and am really bored.

The job search sux. I've called every place that I've applied to w/ no avail. I've called places in the want ads but no help there either. It got so bad I was considering dressing up in my elf outfit and standing on a street corner w/ a bucket. The only reason why I have an elf outfit is b/c my father dresses as Santa for parties and I had to help him a couple times and THATS THE ONLY REASON WHY I HAVE AN ELVES OUTFIT, fuckin' kids.

I don't know what I'm going to do w/ myself. The holidays are coming up and I have no money to spend one anyone. It's gotten so bad that I'm going to make my step-mom a wind chime out of sea shells.

I haven't the foggiest idea on what to get anyone, I was thinking abt making them stuff but w/ my lack of resources it's very limited.

I wanna get something for Amy, Amaris, Christina, P.J, Don, Anna, Mother, Cheri(my step-mom), and a couple other people but w/ lack of funds and lack of resources it will be hard. Seriously I love all of you guys like family, please help me to figure this out. Give me ideas, give me a list or hints just help the poor man out.

I know that this Christmas ain't gonna be splendid but please make it a little easier on your old pal Rick and help the fool out. Look I'm not asking for much just a little help for the Holidays.

Thank you and may the God's bless your day.


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