hosted by The Goodnight Kiss


( 2003-05-14 )( 12:21 a.m. )

Today was quite interesting. I went out this morning by myself then was summoned on by Missy and Stacy to go walk around town. After picking up Missy's new phone they left and I met up w/ Rachel. I hung out w/ Rachel around town for an hour or so, then picked some food up for Duck and Davey. Upon our return we met up w/ Stacy again. After a quick change of clothes and stuff we headed back out again. We started off at Georges(country bar). I danced a little w/ Stacy and Rachel then I started to talk to another girl from the Carl Vinson. She's an airman, Dana Thomas from Delaware. We got in to talking and after dancing a dance or two we left and went to Tom's(karaoke bar). We sat around the whole time singing songs and making out. Then abt 1100 rolls around and I'm almost shit outta luck b/c we were both ready for some "fun". Yet we couldn't do anything b/c we both had to be back by the midnight hour. So we ran back to base caught a cab and luckily we both made it back on time. It kinda sux but what the hell, thats the most action I've gotten since Singapore. NO COMMENT. So from the way it seems I'm making a name for myself as a whore.

I'm making out w/ half these chicks but none of them want a commitment so I guess I'm having the best of both worlds here. Hell don't get me wrong but a guys gotta have someone to love too.


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