hosted by The Goodnight Kiss

Michelle my bell

( 2003-01-26 )( 9:42 p.m. )

Well guess what, tomorrow I leave again. This time for about two months or so. I can't really tell where but if you want to you can call me on my cell at 011819061589714. Your best bet is to buy a calling card and call me. I'm sorry if I haven't been on as of late but due to the hectic schedule and my new girlfriend, Michelle, I've hardly had time to do anything as of late.

Michelle and I have really hit it off over here and things look great. I just can't wait for you guys to meet her.

I'll more than likely be back online when I get back to port but you can always send me something via e-mail or snail mail. If you need my address just e-mail me for it.


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